Walking tour in Copenhagen 1000-1600 – The Old City
On this walking tour historian Christian Holm Donatzky talks about old Copenhagen in the period 1000-1600. We trace the history of Copenhagen from the earliest town in the 11th century. Absalon builds the first castle in 1167. Copenhagen becomes the most important city in the kingdom, which for some periods covers all of Scandinavia. The Hanseatic merchants are dominating the foreign trade. Copenhagen becomes the centre of religious conflict, which evolves into a civil war. After the civil war the Denmark-Norway becomes Lutheran.
Where does the sightseeing tour go?
From Højbro Plads the sightseeing tour goes through the old streets at the harbour. From here we pass the German centre in Vimmelskaftet on our way to the western part of the old city, where the Church of St. Peter is, the city’s oldest. From here to Nørregade, where the bishop’s palace was placed. Then via Gråbrødre Torv to the House of the Holy Ghost, the city’s hospital. We pass Amagertorv with the fish and vegetable market and end the tour at Nikolaj Church, the centre of the reformation.
The tour departs from Højbro Plads at the Absalon statue Saturday 12 July and 19 July at 10 am. The price is DKK 125 to be paid in cash on the day or beforehand by card.
The walking tour in Old Copenhagen is available as a private tour through booking all year round. For more information look at private tours & events. The complete program for the open scheduled tours in Copenhagen can be seen at walking tours in English.